Rocky Linux 9 migration from Rocky Linux 8: =========================================== # Note, this is based off the information listed here: # Note, I did this on a remote server, so for me this was not a GUI boot # Backup your system prior to doing this! # All commands run as root user # Make sure at current updates and reboot if needed after updates: dnf update -y # Add Rocky Linux 9 Repositories REPO_URL="" RELEASE_PKG="rocky-release-9.0-2.2.el9.noarch.rpm" REPOS_PKG="rocky-repos-9.0-2.2.el9.noarch.rpm" GPG_KEYS_PKG="rocky-gpg-keys-9.0-2.2.el9.noarch.rpm" dnf -y install $REPO_URL/$RELEASE_PKG $REPO_URL/$REPOS_PKG $REPO_URL/$GPG_KEYS_PKG # Remove old packages and files, if installed dnf -y remove rpmconf yum-utils epel-release rm -rf /usr/share/redhat-logos # Install Required Rocky Linux 9 Packages dnf -y --releasever=9 --allowerasing --setopt=deltarpm=false distro-sync # Show current kernel versions rpm -qa | grep kernel | sort # Because of the warning running rpm, rebuild the RPM repository cd /var/lib/rpm rm -f __db.00* rpm --rebuilddb # Show current kernel versions rpm -qa | grep kernel | sort # Remove the old kernel Example: rpm -e --nodeps `rpm -qa|grep -i kernel|grep 4.18` # Show old kernel is removed rpm -qa | grep kernel | sort # If there is no 5.x kernel on your system, install it using the command: # Note, this was not needed for me: # dnf -y install kernel kernel-core shim # List enabled modules: dnf module list # Disable enabled modules: Example: dnf module disable perl container-tools llvm-toolset virt perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-libwww-perl python36 perl-DBI perl-DBD-SQLite # Note, for me this was: dnf module disable httpd perl perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-libwww-perl satellite-5-client virt # Update the system # Note, for me there were no updates dnf update -y # Verify still in non-graphical user or server mode: systemctl get-default # Reboot reboot # Check OS version cat /etc/system-release # Update the system dnf update -y # Install any preferred tools Example: dnf install vim